All About Me :)

My photo
I was born in Sitka, Alaska in 1983. My parents divorced when I was 5, and I spent my childhood and teens moving back and forth between parents. So, I grew up in Anchorage, Sitka, and Juneau. But, I call Sitka home. I graduated in 2000. I should have gone to college - but didn't. I met my husband in 2002, let him marry me in 2003 :), and had a daughter with him in 2004. She is the pure JOY in our lives. My husband is AD in the United States Coast Guard. This means that life is never boring, and if it is- hey! we get to move every 3 or 4 years. He is currently a DC (Damage Controlman) 2nd class - working on making 1st class. You can also find me on

14 January, 2009

Balls Rollin'

I have an appt with Dr. Blackwood on the 20th. I'm not sure if he's going to be doing the HSG then, or not. The lady I made my appt. with didn't say.
Even if he doesn't, at least it's a step closer to gettin' there!

It's a PITA only being able to go on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when Ryleigh has school. But that's the only time I'm able to go, because they don't allow children under 12 in their office.
Seems kinda funny to me, to have an OB/GYN office - but not allow children in it.
A fertility clinic, I can understand - for sensitivity issues...

Anywho - that's the update for now!


Cirrus said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes. Too bad we don't live closer--we could swap childcare for our appointments! (And hang out!)

Zach and Beth said...

I'm thinking of you! I hope it goes well. Odd about the no kids under 12 thing. I just deleted a whole rant on that subject, but decided no one needed to read that whole thing.

Anyway...good luck to you, friend! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Sambalina said...

Good Luck! I'm thinking of you. And I do agree with you that no kids under 12 seems weird to me.

Keep us posted!