All About Me :)

My photo
I was born in Sitka, Alaska in 1983. My parents divorced when I was 5, and I spent my childhood and teens moving back and forth between parents. So, I grew up in Anchorage, Sitka, and Juneau. But, I call Sitka home. I graduated in 2000. I should have gone to college - but didn't. I met my husband in 2002, let him marry me in 2003 :), and had a daughter with him in 2004. She is the pure JOY in our lives. My husband is AD in the United States Coast Guard. This means that life is never boring, and if it is- hey! we get to move every 3 or 4 years. He is currently a DC (Damage Controlman) 2nd class - working on making 1st class. You can also find me on

04 November, 2008


Last night I had some awful cramping and went to the ER. I wasn't bleeding at the time I got there, but started not too soon afterwards.
My BETA level from their blood draw was 140. I'm going back in Thursday morning to see if the level is rising, or falling.

I'm certain I've miscarried again .. as I've lost a lot of my pregnancy symptoms.

To my friends:
Please don't take it personal if I don't take phone calls, or answer texts. I know you all love me and are being supportive - but mentally I'm just not in a spot to.... do much of anything really. Please, please don't take it personally.


Julez said...

Lots of huge hugs for you sweetie!!! I've got an envelope on its way to you.

Zach and Beth said...

Nothing but gentle hugs and lots of love and prayers for you and your dh. Know that you are being thought of.

Cirrus said...

Oh honey! Big hugs and lots of positive thoughts...and more hugs.

Beth said...

I'm thinking abour you!! And I am Fort Collins, CO. That is where my IP is registered at work.